The absolute song for me is Sad Lisa by Cat Stevens. The picture is one taken of me a long, long time ago. I coloured and edited it in Gimp. Sad to say my home computer is broken since last thursday and there seems no quick help in sight, so I will be visiting the workshop computer every opnce and a while.
"She sits in a corner by the door.
There must be more I can tell her.
If she really wants me to help her.
I’ll do what I can to show her the way.
And maybe one day I will free her.
Though I know no one can see her.
Lisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa."
This chair and some other fabulous items were saved from a trash container, when the local elementary school was throwing away their oldest furniture. The chair is from the 50's, early 60's. I put the chair on my sofa with my fancy hat and scarf, which I will use one day, when the time is right. I took a picture and painted the oranges and added some effects in Gimp.
Chair on Mars
Helmikuu ja aiemmat 2006 February and earlier
Old & Recycled 3
Pulpetti koulun roskalavalta, 50-60-luvun aikainen. Emalivati kotitalon roskiksesta. Ovat tällä hetkellä makuuhuoneessa etsimässä kumpikin oikeaa, uutta paikkaansa kodissani. Pulpetti on ollut tietokonepöytänä, yöpöytänä, TV-pöytänä jne. Vati on jalkakylpyjä ja pikkupyykin pesua varten oiva ja käytetty väline.
A school desk from a school trash container, 50's - 60's. An enamel basin from the trash shed. At the moment both are in my bedroom waiting each for a new, right place in my home. The desk has been a computer desk, night table, TV table etc. The basin is great for foot baths and small laundry.
Posted by Katili at 28.2.06 0 comments
Old & Recycled 2
Tuoli, joita alunperin löytyi kolme roskiksesta. Tyyli ja vihreä väri viittaavat 70-luvun puolelle, varma en ole. Tyyny on hankittu halpakaupan alekorista.
A chair, originally one of three, found in the garbage shed. The style and green colour point out to the 70's, not sure though. The pillow is bought from a cheap market sale.
Posted by Katili at 28.2.06 0 comments
Old & Recycled 1
Ensimmäisen kerran näin tämän päiväpeiton 1974, olin juuri rakastunut silloin tulevaan, nykyään entiseen mieheeni ja vietimme aikaa hänen veljensä asunnossa sen ollessa tyhjänä. Veljen tyttöystävä oli itse ommellut peiton vakosamettipaloista. Sain myöhemmin tilaisuuden kierrätyttää peiton itselleni
First time I saw this bed cover 1974 when I had just fallen in love with my then future, now ex husband and we spent time at his big brother's empty apartment. His brother's girl friend had self sewn the cover from corduroy pieces. I had the opportunity to get this bed cover recycled to myself.
Yksityiskohta/ Detail
Posted by Katili at 28.2.06 0 comments
01 February, 2006
Mökkö-tyttö, rotuäitinsä ja maalaishurmurin ihana hedelmä, oli ensimmäinen oma kissani ja tuli luoksemme 1974.
Mökkö-girl, a wonderful mix of her pedigree mother and a country charmer, was my first own cat and came to us 1974
Posted by Katili at 1.2.06 0 comments
Viiru-tyttö tuli Mökön kaveriksi 1975 eläinsuojeluyhdistyksen kautta.
Viiru-girl came to be Mökkö's friend 1975 from an animal shelter
Posted by Katili at 1.2.06 0 comments
Osku-poika, villikissan pentuna syntynyt, emonsa hylkäämä, vielä kävelykyvytön Osku tuli luokseni 1988
Osku-boy, born as a wildcat, abandoned by his mom, not even able to walk yet, came to me 1988
Posted by Katili at 1.2.06 0 comments
Emppu-poika, pelastettiin maalaistalosta tappouhan alta, tuli Oskun kaveriksi 1990
Emppu-boy, saved from killing from a countryhouse, came 1990 to be Osku's friend
Posted by Katili at 1.2.06 2 comments
Jami juuri luokseni tulleena 3.8.2004. Hän oli joutunut viettämään muutamia päiviä kuolleen emäntänsä kanssa ja sukulaiset tahtoivat viedä Jamin nukutettavaksi, onneksi naapurin rouva pelasti Jamin ja lopulta löysimme Jamin kanssa toisemme netti-ilmoituksen avulla.
Jami had to spend a couple of day with his dead keeper lady and the relatives of the deceased woman wanted to take Jami to be put to sleep, fortunately the next door neighbour woman saved Jami and in the end Jami and I found each other via internet.
(13.6.2003 - )
Posted by Katili at 1.2.06 0 comments
Emppu the Elf
Emppu jouluna tyttäreni halissa noin 15 vuotta sitten /
Emppu gently held by my daughter about on Christmas 15 yrs ago
Posted by Katili at 1.2.06 0 comments